Do'a Baju Besi Dengan 1001 Asma Allah, Ini Sama Dengan Doa Penjagaan ‘Jaushan Kabir’

Dikatakan dalam buku Balad- Al-Amin dan dalam Misbah of Kafa’mi, bahwa cucu baginda Nabi SAW, Imam Ali Zainal Abidin, As-Sajjaad, (as)

Kisah As-Sajjaad and Yazid

Part of Imam Ali Zainal Abidin’s sentences, explaining why he always cried on his father (Al-Husain)’s death.

Yazid ordered the person who used to recite the Friday khutba to ascend the pulpit and to insult ‘Ali bin Abithalib and Ali’s son Al-Husain (‘a), which he did.

Al-Husain’s son, Ali Zainal Abidin — who’s honored by Muslims as Al-Sajjaad (‘a) — shouted at him saying, “You have traded the pleasure of the creature for the Wrath of the Creator, so take your place in the fire [of hell].”

“Should you on the pulpits publicly taunt him on demand, While through his sword did these very pulpits stand?!”

Al-Sajjaad — who’s survived from the massacre in Karbala — asked Yazid saying, “Do you permit me to ascend this pulpit to deliver a speech that will please Allah Almighty and that will bring good rewards for these folks?” Yazid refused, but people kept pleading to him to yield, yet he was still relentless.

His son, Mu’awiyah ibn Yazid, said to him, “Permit him; what harm can his words cause?” Yazid said, “These are people who have inherited knowledge and oratory and are spoon-fed with knowledge.” They kept pressuring him till he agreed.

[authors’ sidenote: I’m going to drop ya’ll right into the middle of a scene that happened around 1300 years ago. ….]

This note is taken from:

The Imam (‘a) said:

“All Praise is due to Allah for Whom there is no beginning, the ever-Lasting for Whom there is no end, the First for Whom there is no starting point, the Last for Whom there is no ending point, the One Who remains after all beings no longer exist. He measured the nights and the days. He divided them into parts; so, Blessed is Allah, the King, the all-Knowing… O people! We were granted six things and favoured with seven: We were granted knowledge, clemency, leniency, fluency, courage, and love for us in the hearts of the believers. And we were favoured by the fact that from among us came a Prophet, as-Siddiq, at-Tayyar, a Lion of Allah and of His Prophet (S), and both Masters of the Youths of Paradise from among this nation.

Below is the video of his and his sister (Sayyidah Zainab)’s speeches — taken from a film on Karbala:

O people!

Whoever recognizes me knows me, and whoever does not recognize me, let me tell him who I am and to what family I belong:

O people!
I am the son of Mecca and Mina;
I am the son of Zamzam and al-Safa;
I am the son of the one who carried the Rukn on his mantle;
I am the son of the best man who ever put on clothes and who ever made Tawaf and Sa’i, of whoever offered the Hajj and pronounced the Talbiya.

I am the son of the one who was transported on the Buraq and who was taken by Gabriel to Sidrat al-Muntaha, so he was near his Lord like the throw of a bow or closer still.
I am the son of the one who led the angels of the heavens in the prayers.
I am the son to whom the Mighty One revealed what He revealed.

I am the son of the one who defended the Messenger of Allah (S) at Badr and Hunayn and never disbelieved in Allah not even as much as the twinkling of an eye.

I am the son of the best of the believers and of the heir of the prophets, of the leader of the Muslims and the Noor of those who offer Jihad and the killer of the renegades and those who deviated from the straight path and who scattered the Azab and the most courageous one, the one with the firmest determination: such is the father of the grandsons of the Prophet (S), al-Hasan and al-Husain (‘a), such is ‘Ali Ibn Abu Talib (‘a).

I am the son of Fatima al-Zahra’ (‘a), the Head of all Women, the son of Khadija al-Kubra.
I am the son of the one with whose blood the sand mixed.
I am the son of the one who was slaughtered at Karbala’.
I am the son of the one for whom the jinns wept in the dark and for whom the birds in the air cried”.

Having said this much, people’s cries filled the place, and Yazid feared dissension, so he ordered the mu’adzzin to call the adzan for the prayers. The latter shouted: Allahu Akbar! The Imam (‘a) said: “Allah is Greater, more Magnanimous, and more Kind than what I fear and of what I avoid.”

Ka’baa in the old days

The prayer caller now shouted: Ashadu an la ilaha illa-Allah! He (‘a) said, “Yes, I testify with everyone who testifies that there is no god besides Him nor any other Lord.” The caller shouted: Ashahadu anna Muhammadan rasul-Allah!

The Imam (‘a) said to the prayer caller, “I ask you, by Muhammad, to stop here till I speak to this man,” then he turned to Yazid and asked him:

“Is this great Messenger of Allah (S) your grandfather or mine? If you say that he is yours, everyone present here, as well as all other people, will come to know that you are a liar And if you say that he is mine, then why did you kill my father unjustly and oppressively and plundered his wealth and took his women captive? Woe unto you on the Day of Judgment when my grandfather will be your opponent.”

Yazid yelled at the prayer caller to start the prayers immediately. A great deal of commotion now could be heard among the people. Some people prayed whereas others left.

 meriwayatkan bahwa kakek beliau, Rasulullah SAW mengatakan bahwa Doa ini diajarkan langsung oleh Malaikat Jibril (as) kepada beliau SAW ketika berada dalam salah satu peperangan. Saat perang itu, Nabi SAW mengenakan baju pelindung ‘Jaushan‘, yakni semacam baju besi yang sangat berat.

Jibril turun dan menyampaikan,

“Wahai Muhammad, Allah menyampaikan salam-Nya kepadamu, dan Dia berkata agar engkau menanggalkan baju pelindung itu, dan menyampaikan doa ini sebagai pelindung bagimu dan bagi umatmu.”

Sekitar satu jam lamanya doa ini. Tapi percayalah, it’s worth it.

Selain video youtube, di bawah ada juga link kepada MP3 Doa ini.

Tidak percuma mereka yang meluangkan waktu bermunajat dengan doa luar biasa ini. Sebuah doa yang penuh pelajaran tauhid, doa yang menyebut nama-nama Allah dan sifat-sifat-Nya ini sangat mustajab.

Bagi yang memerlukan transliterasi doa itu dalam tulisan latin, silakan merujuk ke saah satu video yang ada di dua Youtube ini,

atau yang ini

Di dalamnya, selain ada suara dan teks bahasa Arabnya, juga terdapat tulisan latin yang menyertainya.

Berikut ini catatan lengkap doa tersebut:

Doa Jaushan Kabir

Doa ini terdiri dari 100 bagian, masing-masing dengan 10 nama atau sifat Allah. Total di dalamnya kita akan menyebutkan nama-nama Tuhan sebanyak seribu kali. Dalam video youtube ini adalah bagian 51 – 60 Doa tersebut, dengan artinya dalam bahasa Inggris (silakan klik dibawah Ini).

Berikut di bawah sebagian doa-doa itu:

Lihat catatan Doa ini dalam bahasa Inggris, dalam potongan masing-masing sepuluh bagian (klik di sini).

MP3: Dengarkan Doa ini dalam bentuk mp3: klik di sini.

Bagian dari Doa Jaushan Kabir

Bagian doa Jaushan Kabir 32-34:

Jaushan Kabir -32-34


Ditulis Oleh : Unknown ~ Pada Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

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